Ian Armstrong, H&S Manager delivering a workshop on Occupational Health to the supply chain
Michael Hoare, BIM Manager, delivering a workshop on BIM to local SMEs
John Wales, Quality Manager, delivering a workshop on Quality Management to the supply chain
Commercial team engaging with SMEs at SDP Meet the Buyer

Multiplex are committed to sustainable procurement and recognise that large scale projects can present barriers for SMEs and Social Enterprises accessing opportunities at large-scale developments. We work to break down those barriers making work packages and services accessible for local businesses on the open market.

Multiplex are registered as a Buyer on Public Contract Scotland procurement portal and available work packages will be advertised via this route. We work with local business networks, deliver Capacity Building Workshops for local SMEs, Social Enterprises and supply chain to share knowledge, and support Meet the Buyer events to make our Procurement team accessible for all.


For tender enquiries or more information about our work packages contact our commercial department at uogenquiries@multiplex.global

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